upacara 17 agustus PT. Jasa marga semarang batang tadi pagi berlangsung khidmat dan semarak mengusung tema PULIH LEBIH CEPAT BANGKIT LEBIH KUAT dan di hadiri segenap karyawan JSB, Peringatan HUT Ke-77 Kemerdekaan RI Tahun pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2022 pukul 07.00 di halaman kantor PT.JASA MARGA SEMARANG-BATANG, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut.
1. Upacara bendera dilaksanakan dengan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid-19.
2. Pembina upacara adalah supervisor patroli jasa marga toll road.
3. Tamu undangan upacara hadir secara langsung di lapangan upacara
4. Peserta upacara hadir secara langsung terdiri dari 4 divisi yaitu JSB, JMTO, JMTM, JMSR.
upacara bendera peringatan HUT Ke-77 Kemerdekaan RI Tahun 2022 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2022, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut.
1. Upacara bendera dilaksanakan di halaman kantor/tempat lain yang ditentukan mulai pukul 07.30 waktu setempat dengan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid-19.
2. Pembina upacara adalah direktur utama jasamarga semarang-batang dengan mengenakan pakaian dinas harian.
3. Peserta upacara adalah para pegawai dan staff PT. Jasamarga
 Susunan upacara bendera sekurang-kurangnya terdiri atas:
1. Pemimpin upacara memasuki lapangan upacara
2. Pembina upacara tiba di tempat upacara
3. Penghormatan kepada pembina upacara
4. Laporan pemimpin upacara
5. Pengibaran bendera Merah Putih diiringi lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya
6. Mengheningkan cipta dipimpin oleh pembina upacara
7. Pembacaan naskah Pancasila diikuti oleh seluruh peserta upacara
8. Pembacaan naskah Pembukaan UUD Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945;
9. Amanat pembina upacara
10. Pembacaan do’a
11. Laporan pemimpin upacara
12. Penghormatan kepada pembina upacara
13. Pembina upacara meninggalkan mimbar upacara
14. Upacara selesai, barisan dibubarkan.

august 17 ceremony PT. Jasa Marga Semarang Batang this morning took place solemnly and lively with the theme RECOVERY FASTER, RISE BURGER, and was attended by all JSB employees, Commemoration of the 77th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 2022 at 07.00 in the PT. JASA MARGA SEMARANG-BATANG office page , with the following conditions. 1. The flag ceremony is carried out with due observance of the Covid-19 prevention health protocol. 2. The supervisor of the ceremony is the patrol supervisor of the Jasa Marga toll road. 3. The guests of the ceremony were present in person at the ceremonial field. 4. The participants of the ceremony that were present in person consisted of 4 divisions, namely JSB, JMTO, JMTM, JMSR. The flag ceremony to commemorate the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2022 will be held on August 17, 2022, with the following conditions. 1. The flag ceremony will be held in the office yard/other designated place starting at 07.30 local time while still observing the Covid-19 prevention health protocol. 2. The supervisor of the ceremony is the main director of the Semarang-Batang Jasamarga wearing daily official attire. 3. Participants in the ceremony are employees and staff of PT. Jasamarga The structure of the flag ceremony consists of at least: 
1. The leader of the ceremony enters the ceremonial field 
2. The supervisor of the ceremony arrives at the venue of the ceremony 
3. Respects the supervisor of the ceremony 
4. Report of the leader of the ceremony
5. The raising of the Red and White flag accompanied by the national anthem Indonesia Raya 
6. Silence copyright led by the ceremonial supervisor 
7. The reading of the Pancasila manuscript was attended by all participants of the ceremony 
8. The reading of the text of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
9. The mandate of the ceremonial supervisor 10. Prayer readings 
11. Report of the ceremonial leader 
12. Respect for the ceremonial supervisor 
13. The ceremonial supervisor leaves the ceremonial pulpit 
14. The ceremony is over, the line is disbanded.

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